Get to know the founders as they reflect after 1 year of Ship Shape
Incorporating in July 2020 amidst a pandemic, founders Daniel Sawko and Alistair Baille and Miguel Neumann had an idea to democratise funding in the U.K. Along with pulling together a great team working remotely from day 1, Ship Shape has grown and naturally evolved as challenges and opportunities presented themselves.
As with milestones like today, it offers the chance to reflect. Our CEO Daniel Sawko and COO Alistair Bailie, answered some questions about the past year and what the year ahead holds.

1) As Ship Shape turns 1 years old, what are your emotions and feelings?
DS: I’m really proud and excited. We’ve come from an idea in our minds and no money to a working platform that is making a difference to paying customers (plenty to do still!) and a brilliant team! We’re privileged to be in this position.
AB: Pride in the team and our achievements, excitement as we talk to customers as our Product/Market hypothesis is being validated (and refined), relied that the hypothesis is validated so I haven’t been wasting my time.
2) Did you expect Ship Shape to be in the position it is today?
DS: I knew we would always make progress, but looking back and measuring the time in which that has happened, it doesn’t quite feel real.
AB: After we got the core team together, yes. I knew we were capable of this.
3) What/who has kept you motivated for the past year?
DS: Knowing if we succeed, we’ll be making a positive difference to the number of brilliant ideas that make it, is a really strong driver. Especially when you factor in that we will be improving access to funding for founders from backgrounds or areas that have historically struggled to break into the VC funding network.

AB: My daughter, 18 months old. If I flag, she makes me work harder. And she also stops me working too hard, I spend playtime with her every day.
4) What has surprised you the most in your time running Ship Shape?
DS: Most days, it doesn’t feel like work at all.
AB: The level of support for startups and small businesses in Wales. My co-founder Daniel knew more about this than I did, and proposed we set up in Wales. I have been learning, and can confirm that Wales is a truly excellent place to be a tech startup.